May 31, 2002

Eakin students learn craft, donate items to VCH

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Hannah Asbell, a recent graduate from Kristi Krauss' third-grade class at Eakin Elementary School, cross-stiches a burp cloth. The cloths were a class project, and delivered to patients in the NICU last week. (photo by Dana Johnson)

Eakin students learn craft, donate items to VCH

When third graders at Eakin Elementary decided to do a project to give back to the community, Zach Smith’s mom, Niki Smith had an idea: she volunteered to come to the school and teach the students how to cross-stitch. With their newly acquired stitching skills, the eager students made burp cloths for the babies of the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital neonatal intensive care unit.

Last week, the students, accompanied by their teacher and parent volunteers, took a walk from their school to Light Hall, where Cheryl Major, RN, senior associate in Pediatrics, led a slide show and presentation about the purpose of the NICU and the NICU ambulances, Angel and Cherub. Following the presentation, the students were given a tour of Angel, including a hands-on look at the incubators and the cabin of the ambulance.