Informatics group honors VUSM student
Third-year Vanderbilt University School of Medicine student Gerard Jenkins was selected from more than 300 entrants for a Distinguished Poster Award at the recent Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association in Washington, D.C.
One of eight selected for the award, Gerard's poster was titled, “The Epidemiology of Medication Prescribing Errors in the Emergency Department.”
The ongoing study — a collaboration between Biomedical Informatics, Pharmacy Services, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine — examines prescribing errors in the adult and pediatric EDs before and after implementation of WizOrder, Vanderbilt's computerized provider order entry system.
Other authors include Philip Johnston, Pharm.D., Neal Patel, M.D., M.H., Ian Jones, M.D., and Dominik Aronsky, M.D., Ph.D.
Jenkins' research was performed as part of VUSM’s Emphasis program, instituted three years ago to allow medical students to study with a mentor during their first two years.
“This is a very unique and terrific idea exposing students to research and scientific thinking early during their studies,” said Aronsky, who served as Jenkins' mentor for the project.