New house staff set to get started
Vanderbilt University Medical Center welcomed more than 250 new house staff this week, as they attended a week long orientation prior to starting on July 1.
“A five-day orientation really starts about four months earlier and involves the input and cooperation of many individuals, not only from the Medical Center, but also the University-wide support system.” said Fred Kirchner Jr., M.D., associate dean and director of Graduate Medical Education.
Beginning Monday, the new physicians heard introductory remarks from Thomas Dina, M.D., chair of the graduate medical education committee; Jane Shoun, the administrative director of graduate medical education, and Steven Gabbe, M.D., dean of the School of Medicine. The welcomes kicked off a whirlwind of orientation activities, which included safety training, health screenings, presentations on benefits and the all-important assignment of pagers.
Residents also heard presentations on risk management, palliative care and support services for physicians.
It wasn't all business; there was also a get-acquainted picnic Monday evening, which included door prizes.
After the general orientation, the new house staff had departmental-specific sessions, all leading toward the nationwide first day of work for new residents, July 1. VUMC residents and clinical fellows can specialize in 65 different areas, counting 23 categorical areas with numerous subspecialties. The major areas are Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pathology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiology/Nuclear Medicine and Surgery.
“The glue that holds this together is Jane Shoun, the assistant director, and the rest of the GME office staff; Shrika Holmes, Mike Hendrix, Sonja Bogich and Alyce Dobyns-Ladd,” Kirchner said.