Emergency & Trauma

Vanderbilt LifeFlight, first responders, honored with ‘Star of Life’ awards

Vanderbilt LifeFlight and its emergency service partners were recently honored with two awards as part of the Children’s Emergency Care Alliance annual Star of Life awards ceremony.

Study compares moral injury in health care workers and veterans

A study comparing 618 military veterans who deployed to a combat zone after Sept. 11, 2001, and 2,099 health care workers (HCWs) working during the COVID-19 pandemic found similar levels of potential moral injury (PMI), with 46.1% of veterans and 50.7% of HCWs reporting PMI.

Corey Slovis, MD, recently received the Lifetime Service Award from the Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine.

Slovis lauded by academic emergency medicine peers

Vanderbilt’s Corey Slovis, MD, has received the Lifetime Service Award from the Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine

Shown here are some of the Ukrainian-bound medical supplies in a VUMC warehouse shortly before they were loaded on a cargo plane.

VUMC donates medical supplies bound for Ukraine

Vanderbilt University Medical Center responded to pleas for help from Ukrainian health officials by donating several tons of medical supplies to be shipped to Ukraine in coming days.

The move of Vanderbilt LifeFlight’s fixed-wing air ambulance to Lebanon Municipal Airport allows for quicker response times to emergency requests.

LifeFlight moves fixed-wing air ambulance base to Lebanon

Vanderbilt LifeFlight has moved its fixed-wing air ambulance from the Nashville International Airport to the Lebanon Municipal Airport.

Donna Seger, MD

Tennessee Poison Center director Seger retires

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