
COVID-19 bivalent vaccine boosters available for employees of VUMC and VU, as well as patients

VUMC study will evaluate alternative strategies for administering monkeypox vaccine

Vanderbilt is seeking about 30 healthy adults of diverse backgrounds to participate in a national clinical trial to evaluate alternative strategies for administering the monkeypox vaccine

The study team included (front row, from left) Kelsey Voss, PhD, Rachel Bonami, PhD, Erin Wilfong, MD, PhD, (back row, from left) Jonathan Irish, PhD, Jeff Rathmell, PhD, and Ivelin Georgiev, PhD.

Vanderbilt team tracks cellular and antibody responses to COVID-19 vaccine

In a technical tour de force, a collaborative team of Vanderbilt researchers has characterized the antigen-specific immune response to the Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccine.

VUMC research aids approval of COVID-19 vaccine for young children

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to authorize Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months old as early as tomorrow, following the unanimous recommendation by an FDA advisory panel on Wednesday.

RSV vaccine trial enrolling 6- to 24-months-old children

Panel considers ways to improve vaccine readiness, restore trust

A recent Ethics Grand Rounds, sponsored by the Vanderbilt Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, explored potential ways to overcome vaccine readiness and restore trust in health care providers.

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