Credo Award

No matter the challenge, David Gaston stands ready to lead

Because of his leadership, dedication to patients and his colleagues, and commitment to quality, Gaston received a Credo Award at the January VUMC Leadership Assembly.

Thoughtful, proactive and always full of cheer, Soraida Chavez is the glue that holds the Vanderbilt Benign Hematology Clinic together

“Soraida is one of the main reasons why we have such high patient and provider satisfaction in the benign hematology clinic,” wrote one nominator. “She is a wonderful, caring person who takes care of both the patients and the clinical staff.”

Tanya Stellges is dedicated to keeping microbes at bay and patients safe

Her enterprise-wide efforts in high-level disinfection and sterilization earned her a Credo Award.

Her clothing and workspace may be sterile, but Nancy Moyers’ positive attitude is contagious

“The work that Nancy does every day is tedious and challenging,” wrote one nominator. “But every moment she spends preparing sterile products and performing other critical tasks for our pediatric patients, Nancy has a joy on her face that can’t be missed.”

Scott Zuckerman receives Credo Award for communication and commitment to colleagues

“The care we deliver in surgery is simply not possible without this army of devoted individuals.”

Darnell Clay nourishes patients through food service and his smiles

Clay’s positive messages go a long way to uplift patients’ spirits and enhance their hospital experience.

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