
Elderly woman looking out window

Research links heart function to brain’s memory center

Research by a team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) scientists suggests that older people whose hearts pump less blood have blood flow reductions in the temporal lobe regions of the brain, where Alzheimer’s pathology first begins.

images from a brain scan

Study seeks new ways to detect sensory issues in TBI patients

Vanderbilt researcher Tonia Rex, Ph.D., is accustomed to performing studies in her lab with a goal of translating the findings into better diagnoses and treatment tools for the visually impaired.

Gender, pain and dementia

Understanding sex differences in pain perception could lead to more targeted and effective pain assessment and management strategies in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease.

Pain and Alzheimer’s disease

Clinicians should use a structured interview in people with Alzheimer’s disease to identify pain that might be otherwise overlooked.

elderly Asian mother and adult daughter

Vanderbilt begins Phase 1 trials of new Alzheimer’s drug

Developed at Vanderbilt, VU319 is designed to precisely target a specific neuron receptor associated with cognitive function while avoiding potentially dangerous side effects.

Regulating anxiety in the brain

Two brain signaling pathways have overlapping functions in regulating anxiety, suggesting that therapeutics aimed at one or the other will impact both.

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