Department of Medicine

Image of the U.S., with markers that note cities where the Home Owners’ Loan Corp. conducted a city survey of impacted areas. (Source: Mapping Inequality)

Poverty rates linked to asthma in ‘redlined’ areas

Neighborhoods that were discriminated against, called ‘redlined areas,’ are known to have higher levels of air pollution from industry and vehicles, especially diesel-fueled trucks, buses and cars.

Melinda Aldrich, PhD, MPH

Melinda Aldrich elected to genetics society board of directors

Aldrich uses population-based cohorts and biobanks to investigate lung cancer; her research informed guidelines for lung cancer screening.

VUMC physician-scientists recognized for extending veterans’ lung cancer screening

Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, and Jennifer Lewis, MD, MS, MPH, are the recipients of the 2024 VAQS Team Award for work they began in 2017.

Cosby Stone Jr., MD, MPH, examines patient Gregory Barker’s arm following Barker’s allergy test. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Clinic marks 10th year of diagnosis and treatment of drug allergies

The clinic, celebrating its 10th year, has seen groundbreaking discoveries in personalized care and diagnosis for allergy, especially delayed drug allergy, and has advanced discoveries in the optimal process to test patients for drug allergies.

Kelly Dooley, MD, PhD, MPH. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Kelly Dooley’s TB research receives MERIT Award from the NIH  

Researchers must continually chase funding for their work. Kelly Dooley’s prestigious award from the NIH is intended to help provide respite from that chase.

Peptide discovery could advance treatment of high blood pressure

VUMC researchers found that peptides modified by highly reactive compounds called isolevuglandins activated T cells and promoted hypertension in mice. Their first-ever isolation of such peptides is a step toward potentially intervening in this pathologic process.

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