Department of Medicine

How salt increases blood pressure

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that a protein called SGK1 in immune cells is activated by sodium, leading to the development of salt-sensitive hypertension.

DNA sequence

Study backs genetic testing for all metastatic breast cancer patients

Novel treatment for Prader-Willi syndrome being tested at VUMC

A novel treatment for Prader-Willi syndrome, one of the most common genetic causes of obesity, may improve the insatiable hunger that patients with the disorder experience.

From left, Ryan Allen, PhD, MacRae Linton, MD, Kasey Vickers, PhD, Quanhu Sheng, PhD, and colleagues are working to create a new model of atherosclerosis development. (photo by Susan Urmy)

VUMC investigators receive Keck Foundation award for novel atherosclerosis research

A team of researchers has received a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation to explore a novel model of atherosclerosis development.

Colorectal cancer researchers receive SPORE funding

Colorectal cancer researchers from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) have been awarded a Specialized Program of Research Excellence grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Cancer susceptibility genes

Gene variants associated with cancer risk appear to contribute to carcinogenesis by regulating target genes that in turn promote the generation of mutations.

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