health disparities

Children with developmental disabilities less likely to receive gold-standard hearing assessment

More than 30% of children with permanent hearing loss have additional disabilities. A timely diagnosis of reduced hearing and access to appropriate interventions can maximize developmental outcomes.

Gene variant may underlie diabetes disparities: study

The study was the largest ancestry-stratified, genetic estimation of the heritability of diabetic retinopathy conducted to date and included an unprecedented number of individuals of non-Hispanic African ancestry — more than 46,000.

City University of New York’s Deidre Anglin, PhD, was the featured speaker at the 6th Annual Harold Jordan Lecture. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Annual Harold Jordan Lecture addresses racism and psychosis

The keynote speaker’s topic was “Infusing DEI in our Research Programs: An Example Studying the Social Patterning of Psychosis.”

Registered respiratory therapist Natasha Vanderbilt, RRT, encourages 10-year-old Kate to exhale a complete breath during a lung function test in the Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine clinic. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Removing race improves accuracy of lung function testing in children

The study suggests the adjustment for race in spirometry resulted in an underreporting — and thus possibly undertreatment — of chronic lung diseases, including asthma and cystic fibrosis, in Black children.


Breast cancer risk variants identified for women of African ancestry

A study led by researchers from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center sheds light on some of the genetic variants that make breast cancer more deadly for women of African ancestry and significantly reduces the disparity in knowledge for assessing their genomic risk factors.

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Poverty tops smoking as a major death risk: study

A Vanderbilt study found that Black and white people who earned less than $15,000 a year died, on average, more than 10 years earlier than those whose annual income exceeded $50,000.

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