hypertension (high blood pressure)

VUMC mourns loss of noted hypertension expert Elijovich

Fernando Elijovich, MD, professor of Medicine in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, died in Nashville on Oct. 21. He was 77.

Meena Madhur, MD, PhD, Matthew Alexander, MD, PhD, and colleagues are studying how a common genetic change impacts the development of inflammation and high blood pressure.

Study sheds light on the development of inflammation, high blood pressure and resulting kidney damage

The study team included, from left, Mohammad Saleem, PhD, Lale Ertuglu, MD, Annet Kirabo, PhD, and Ashley Pitzer, PhD.

Researchers discover how salt increases blood pressure

A Vanderbilt research team has discovered that activation of a certain protein complex involved in the inflammatory response in immune cells contributes to salt-sensitive hypertension.

VUMC renewed as a Comprehensive Hypertension Center

The Vanderbilt Comprehensive Hypertension Center has been awarded renewal of the American Heart Association’s Comprehensive Hypertension Center Certification,

Genetics and blood pressure

Including polygenic risk scores for blood pressure may improve predictive models to identify people at risk for treatment-resistant hypertension.

Joseph Breeyear, left, Todd Edwards, PhD, and colleagues are studying how high blood pressure genes can improve heart surgery survival in children.

High blood pressure genes improve heart surgery survival in children

Vanderbilt researchers have found that children with a genetic makeup that predicts high blood pressure as adults are more likely to survive congenital heart defect repair surgery.

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