intensive care unit (ICU)

(photo by Susan Urmy)

Medical Intensive Care Unit receives American Association of Critical Care Nurses excellence award

This award was created by the AACN to recognize specific units within a hospital system where direct care nurses have the greatest impact on patient outcomes.

Healing over the holidays: A nurse’s guide to spending the holidays at the hospital

There’s no place like the hospital for the holidays. And we don’t mean that in a good way. But here are some ways to make it better.

Rebecca Plowman, RN, was among the speakers discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted front-line health care providers.

How caregivers can reclaim what COVID-19 took away

Vanderbilt University Medical Center hosted an online “Bedside Matters” to discuss the toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on front-line providers of health care.

Review explores ICU-related cognitive impact scores

A recent systematic review by Vanderbilt researchers has taken a close look at the cognitive instruments used in long-term outcome studies of survivors of adult critical illness and how those test scores are interpreted.

Skin pigment affects oxygen monitor

Black patients in the ICU were more likely to have low or high blood oxygen levels than white patients, even when a pulse oximeter indicated 92-96% oxygen saturation, Vanderbilt researchers found.

Reduced exercise capacity in ICU survivors

ICU survivors who have impaired exercise capacity months after discharge may have damaged muscle mitochondria — the energy powerhouses of the cell, Vanderbilt researchers propose.

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