
Students were not able to sing carols in person this year at the hospital. So they brought holiday music via video.

“It’s a tradition for us as well as for the Medical Center. We wanted to bring that same holiday cheer this year.”

Philadelphia Eagles pick VUMC resident to sing national anthem before game

The lifelong Eagles fan closed “The Star-Spangled Banner” with a big smile and the exhortation “Go, Birds!”

A Vanderbilt doctor wrote a song encouraging people to vote. Then a video took it to the next level.

“I truly believe this music video has the power to motivate folks to vote in November.”

David Hansen is a doctor, pianist and composer. His gift of music is lifting spirits, including in the COVID unit.

He has made his songs of healing available to patients in Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital

At home with children? Have fun and get creative with this music toolkit.

“Musical activities can also support one of the most critical social relationships: that between a parent and child.”

Musicians can’t play for the children in person right now, so Seacrest Studio goes virtual

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