nurse diversity and inclusion

Get app-y: scenes from VUMC Nursing’s Code Academy ‘hackathon’

A week of Code Academy focused on solving problems in nursing got tackled with lots of giggles, games, coding — and savvy questions about what it’s like to be a nurse.

VUMC Nursing ‘adopts’ Code Academy week hosted by Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee

VUMC Nursing is crafting a comprehensive program that addresses four significant nursing issues. The Boys & Girls Clubs started Code Academy to increase youth interest in tech/digital careers and to help facilitate a platform to elevate youth voices.  

Neil Jess, BSN, RN, CNOR, and Pearl-Cohn High School student Aries Beck.

Nurses mentor Pearl-Cohn High School students considering health care professions

The mentorship program — a partnership between VUMC’s Nurse Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and Metro Nashville Public Schools — has enabled staff nurses to empower students eyeing nursing and health care professions. Aries Beck wants to be a neurologist.

VUMC nurses lead Pearl-Cohn career fair to showcase health care careers to high school students

The fair featured a multidisciplinary group, including nursing, social work, EMS, pharmacy, medicine and surgical and radiology technologists.

Vanderbilt Health ‘DNA’ live chat to spotlight how community collaborations get more people on the path to a medical career

A live chat hosted by the Vanderbilt Health ‘DNA’ podcast on Jan. 31 will explore how educators throughout Nashville are collaborating on novel training programs.

Mamie Williams, PhD, MPH, APRN, was among the speakers at the academy. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders draws participants from around the nation

Nurse leaders from around the country in either clinical practice or academic medicine came together Nov. 13-17 at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing for the second annual Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders.

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