Wesley Self

Additional COVID vaccine helps protect transplant patients

Additional booster doses of vaccine against COVID-19 are particularly important for those who are immunosuppressed, namely those who have had solid organ transplants, a new study shows.

Cody Stubblefield, RN, gives the first of two injections of an antibody combination to Caroline Davis to protect her from COVID-19.

Vanderbilt and CDC research shows third vaccine dose key to preventing omicron hospitalization

Vanderbilt research shows that two doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine result in lower effectiveness for preventing hospitalization for the omicron variant than previous variants. However, importantly, a third (“booster”) vaccine dose significantly improves protection against omicron hospitalization up to 86%.

Vials with medication and syringe on blue methacrylate table. Horizontal composition. Top elevated view.

Grant boosts vaccine effectiveness research

VUMC, NIH launch clinical trial to test novel therapies to protect host tissue against COVID-19

Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers, supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), are leading a nationwide clinical trial to explore the safety and effectiveness of a group of novel drugs designed to protect patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at high risk of poor outcomes.

The study team includes (seated, from left) Adrienne Baughman, CCRP; Bob McClellan; Wesley Self, MD, MPH; Christina Kampe, CCRP; (standing, from left) Rendie McHenry; Bo Stubblefield, MD; Jon Casey, MD, MSCI; Todd Rice, MD, MSc; Natasha Halasa, MD, MPH; Jakea Johnson, MPH; Jim Chappell, MD, PhD; Carlos Grijalva, MD, MPH; and Kelsey Womack, PhD. Not pictured are Julia Rhoads, PhD; Chris Lindsell, PhD; Keipp Talbot; MD, MPH; and Kimberly Hart, MA. (photo by Donn Jones)

Study to evaluate effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing hospitalization

As the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) considers adding a third COVID-19 vaccine to the rollout, a multicenter study led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center will evaluate how effective the vaccines are in preventing hospitalization from COVID-19.

Convalescent plasma improved survival in COVID-19 patients with blood cancers

Treatment with convalescent plasma vastly improved the survival rate of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 who also had hematologic malignances that compromise the immune system, according to new data released by the COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium (CCC19).

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