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Jeff Balser, MD, PhD, talks about professional development opportunities during the September Leadership Assembly. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Embracing lifelong learning for a growth mindset: Leadership Assembly

VUMC’s storied history of delivering high quality, personalized care, groundbreaking research and training underpins an initiative to implement a lifelong learning framework to strengthen the agility of its people.

Cosby Stone Jr., MD, MPH, examines patient Gregory Barker’s arm following Barker’s allergy test. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Clinic marks 10th year of diagnosis and treatment of drug allergies

The clinic, celebrating its 10th year, has seen groundbreaking discoveries in personalized care and diagnosis for allergy, especially delayed drug allergy, and has advanced discoveries in the optimal process to test patients for drug allergies.

William Cooper, MD, MPH, delivers the State of the Department of Pediatrics address. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Address highlights Department of Pediatrics’ achievements, research and health leadership

During the address, Cooper focused on Accelerate 2025’s core areas, which include: serving our children, promoting children’s health through discovery and career pathways; ensuring financial fairness; and training the next generation.

The new home of Vanderbilt Children’s Primary Care at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks provides much-needed additional space for the clinic. (photo by Donn Jones)

Vanderbilt Children’s Primary Care moves to new home at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks

The clinic, Vanderbilt Children’s Primary Care, is expanding from 20,000 square feet to 29,000 with the addition of 13 exam rooms, dedicated consult areas, a checkout area to allow for specialty service scheduling and a devoted learning space for the nearly 80 resident staff members.


Protocol improves follow-up for women at high risk for breast cancer 

Before the protocol, every patient underwent a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool evaluation, yet there was no established protocol for sharing the results.

Caroline Banes, ACNP-BC, leads a roundtable discussion on ICU staffing models during the event. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

VUMC Nursing’s ‘Boot Camp’ helps hone critical care skills

The event is a conference for critical care nurse practitioners and physician assistants to receive specialized critical care training to improve patient care.

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