Education & Training

Initiative aims to prepare high school students for careers in nursing

VUMC is collaborating with Nurses Middle College Nashville (Nurses MC), a proposed public charter school, which is seeking approval from the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission to prepare high school students for careers in nursing.


Teen driving safety campaign helps raise awareness of dangerous practices

Be in the Zone (BITZ), a teen driver safety program, aims to reduce teen motor vehicle crashes in Tennessee through its unique hospital-school collaboration to educate teen drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.

Participants from the Tennessee National Guard pose for a photo on the Vanderbilt LifeFlight helipad.

Event provides crucial trauma training for Tennessee National Guard personnel

The event featured specific resource-limited training for austere environments that military personnel may deploy to, such as treating fever in the tropics and using ventilators in emergency evacuations and transport

Nurse Wellness website relaunched

Though nurses are the focus, everyone in the VUMC community is invited to use the new site, which includes information about workplace violence prevention and leader support.

Caroline Banes, ACNP-BC, leads a roundtable discussion on ICU staffing models during the event. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

VUMC Nursing’s ‘Boot Camp’ helps hone critical care skills

The event is a conference for critical care nurse practitioners and physician assistants to receive specialized critical care training to improve patient care.

Walter Chazin, PhD, helps Aylar Atadurdyyeva, a student in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, into her lab coat. Atadurdyyeva, who is originally from Turkmenistan, is a graduate of the University of Kansas. (photo by Susan Urmy)

New biomedical sciences graduate students encouraged to ‘change the world’ 

The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of white lab coats to the students. A symbol of academic rigor and scientific excellence, the lab coat also reflects a commitment to benefiting society through research and discovery. 

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