October 10, 2003

Kennedy Center and Nashville Public Library cosponsor exhibit of nationally renowned artist Laura McNellis

The works of nationally renowned artist Laura Craig McNellis will be displayed in the Courtyard Gallery of the Nashville Public Library, 615 Church Street, Oct. 10 through Dec. 31, in an exhibit co-sponsored by the library and the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center.

The works of nationally renowned artist Laura Craig McNellis will be displayed in the Courtyard Gallery of the Nashville Public Library, 615 Church Street, Oct. 10 through Dec. 31, in an exhibit co-sponsored by the library and the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. A public reception honoring McNellis and her family will be held on Thursday, November 6, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Main Library.

McNellis has developmental disabilities and autism. She lives in North Carolina where she is part of the Studio XI/Signature Home.

For more information, visit the Nashville Public Library website.

Visit WPLN.org to listen to a feature story on Laura McNellis.