The March edition of My Health Chat will focus on the broad implications for the future of medicine presented by the sequencing of the human genome.
Host Jim Jirjis will be joined March 7 by Gordon Bernard, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s associate vice chancellor for clinical and translational research, and Dan Roden, assistant vice chancellor for personalized medicine.

They will discuss and take viewer questions about the role that knowledge about how we differ as individuals at the level of our DNA can help improve the safety and effectiveness of health care, potentially reduce health care costs, and ultimately lead to better health.
Hosted monthly by VUMC, these 30-minute interactive video chats offer the chance to hear from and ask questions of scientists and physicians on the leading edge of advances in medicine.
The event will be streamed live from 1:30-2 p.m. CST, March 7, on Facebook and at MyHealthChat.com.

Visit MyHealthChat.com to register. You also may view the chat schedule and register for future chats.
Questions may be submitted live during the chat or in advance by:
- Posting them on Vanderbilt Health’s Facebook page
- Sending them on Twitter to @VUMCHealth or with #MyHealthChat
- Emailing them to connect@vanderbilt.edu.
The chats are archived at MyHealthChat.com for future viewing. Past topics have included advances in heart disease, cancer, pediatrics and developmental disabilities, including autism. Future chats will cover cancer drug discovery, neuroscience and diabetes.
Contact: Cynthia Manley, (615) 936-5711