January 19, 2017

Newly available infographic shows vast scope of EpicLeap program

“EpicLeap by the Numbers” is a recently created infographic that gathers, in one place, an array of data points that demonstrate the remarkable magnitude of the EpicLeap program.


“EpicLeap by the Numbers” is a recently created infographic that gathers, in one place, an array of data points that demonstrate the remarkable magnitude of the EpicLeap program.

The data depicted in the infographic cover a number of areas, such as the number of people participating in the program, the facilities in scope, the number of large official meetings that have taken place and some insights into the volume of work to be completed before Go Live in November.

“We’ve said from the very beginning that this is one of the largest projects in VUMC’s history,” said Mitch Edgeworth, CEO of Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital and Clinics and one of EpicLeap’s executive sponsors, “and this infographic shows very clearly just how immense the scope really is.”

With the transition from the Build phase to the Testing phase, the program’s pace has moved into a new gear, and it is likely that employees will become more engaged in the program over the next several months.

Employees are encouraged to download a copy of the infographic and post it in high-traffic areas.