Misty Jones, Children’s Hospital Operating Room. Sophie the miniature dachshund wishes everyone happy holidays.
VUMC employees love their pets.
Early in 2018, VUMC Voice asked for Medical Center employees to send in pictures of their pets, and more pictures cascaded in than we could ever post. Over the course of the year, we have featured hundreds of photos of pets, and now VUMC Voice “Pets of VUMC 2018” culminates with this special “Holiday Pets” edition.
In case you missed any of the earlier collections, here’s a recap:
The first collection, called “Duos,” was published in April.
The second collection, called “Dogs and their people,” was published in May.
The third collection, vol. 1 of “Dogs! Cats! Beds! Sofas!” was published in June.
The fourth collection, vol. 2 of “Dogs! Cats! Beds! Sofas!” was published in July
The fifth collection, called “What could go wrong?” was published in August.
The sixth collection, called “Pets on the move” was published in September.
The seventh collection, called “Field and stream. Also yard and tub” was published in October.
The eighth collection, called “Here’s looking at you,” was published in November.
The ninth collection, vol. 2 of “Here’s looking at you” was published in December.
Remember, the top prize offered in the contest is a photo of your pet shared in VUMC Voice.
Thanks to all who sent in pet pictures this year.
Early in the new year we will be announcing the call for entries for theVUMC Voice “Pets of VUMC 2019” contest. Be sure to watch for it.
And now, on with the holiday festivities, which, just like popular holiday songs, may be about holidays, or may also be about family, packages, snow or warm firesides: