Year: 2019

Medical Center sweethearts share “99 Words of Love,” part 1

How can you tell the story of a lifetime in 99 words (or fewer)? Here’s how some Vanderbilt University Medical Center lovers did it.

VUMC newlyweds celebrate love and fitness

For Michael and Sarah Palevo, love blossomed amid the exercise equipment at Vanderbilt’s Dayani Center

Black History Month inspires VUMC dermatologist Aleta Simmons’ office door makeover

Adorning the figure’s shoulders, Simmons has placed photos of friends and colleagues in her network of African-American female physicians.

Lisa Bastarache, MS, Josh Denny, MD, MS, and colleagues are helping researchers study associations among de-identified genotype data and electronic health records data. (photo by John Russell)

PheWAS Core helps researchers make sense of electronic health record data

Some biomedical researchers may be unsure about routine electronic health record (EHR) data and how useful it ultimately may prove for drawing meaningful, actionable associations that warrant changes to clinical practice and lead to improved clinical outcomes.

New option could increase minority kidney transplants

People with blood type B who received a kidney transplant of blood type A2 kidneys had similar outcomes to those with blood type B who received blood type B kidneys.

Device helps heart patients ditch blood thinners

For the first time in 27 years, Jerry Flowers is looking at life without using blood thinners, thanks to a small device that was implanted in his heart in a clinical trial at Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute (VHVI).

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