The GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer has recognized Christine Lovly, MD, PhD, Ingram Associate Professor of Cancer Research and associate professor of Medicine, with the 2022 Asclepios Award, which recognizes lung cancer research pioneers.
The award was announced Nov. 12 at GO2’s Simply the Best XVII Gala in San Francisco. The foundation recognized Lovly for her work on understanding and developing improved therapeutic strategies for specific clinically relevant molecular subsets of lung cancer, with a particular focus on mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance to agents used in clinical practice.
Lovly is an active member in the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the American Association for Cancer Research. She is an elected member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and a member of the editorial boards for Cancer Discovery and JCO Precision Oncology. She serves as chair of the GO2’s Scientific Leadership Board.
“I am truly grateful to the GO2 Foundation for this generous recognition,” Lovly said. “Working together with GO2 and so many amazing health care workers, researchers, patients, and advocates, we will never stop striving to improve and extend the lives of patients and, someday, discover a cure for lung cancer.”