September 29, 2023

VUMC IT downtime notification: Tecsys service update and Workday quarterly service update to be Oct. 21

Tecsys and Workday will experience an outage due to downtime for service updates and maintenance on Oct. 21. These systems will be unavailable for the respective time frames specified below.  As a result, take the appropriate measures for business continuity based on the downtime procedure related to the application.



Tecsys will be down for two hours on Oct. 21, from 3 a.m. until 5 a.m. CDT.

Please use Tecsys downtime procedures for business continuity.


Workday will be unavailable for a maximum of 11 hours during the next Weekly Service Update and Quarterly Maintenance; starting on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, 1 a.m. until noon (CDT).

Please use Workday downtime procedures for business continuity.

For the respective applications above, if you experience issues after the changes have been implemented and downtime is complete, submit a ticket through Pegasus.