June 4, 2024

Upcoming changes to inpatient lab ordering

To help reduce unnecessary phlebotomies, decrease nursing workload, and reduce costs, there will no longer be an option to use the “daily” frequency indefinitely for the most commonly ordered labs, such as: CBC (Complete Blood Count), CBC and differential, BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel), magnesium, and phosphorus.


To help reduce unnecessary phlebotomies, decrease nursing workload, and reduce costs, there will no longer be an option to use the “daily” frequency indefinitely for the most commonly ordered labs, such as: CBC (Complete Blood Count), CBC and differential, BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel), magnesium, and phosphorus.

This changes goes into effect June 12 and affects anyone ordering inpatient labs. 


  • There will be an option to order these labs daily for five days in the following clinical settings:
    • hematology/stem cell
    • ICU
    • solid organ transplant
    • nutrition with enternal/parenteral feeding
    • dialysis
  • Depending on where the patient is located, you may see a Best Practice Advisory (BPA) asking you to justify the use of this five-day order
  • There will be an “other” options with free text, so the use of this frequency can be evaluated and the functionality refined
  • When the five-day work order is about to expire, there will be a warning BPA so it can be reordered in needed
  • Please click here to view the Tip Sheet for more information
  • You will also see duplicate alerts if the common labs are ordered within 12 hours, or if a specialty lab is ordered twice during admission, but you can proceed with the order if needed