June 13, 2024

Disability Pride Month Celebration & Panel Discussion

Hear from diverse individuals with lived experiences and celebrate the positive aspects of life with disabilities.

Join us virtually on July 9th at 1pm CST via Microsoft Teams or by telephone.
To register for the Teams event, email: disabilityerg@vumc.org or Join the meeting now

Dial in by phone:
+1 615-601-3460
Phone conference ID: 924 520 129#

Disability Identity & Pride: Hear from diverse individuals with lived experiences and celebrate the positive aspects of life with disabilities.

Challenges and Inclusion in the Community: Learn about unique challenges and barriers faced when participating in the community, as well as ways to increase inclusion and access.

Intersectionality: Consider how all the components of someone’s life intersect and the impact this has specific to disability experience.

Advocacy: Hear about advocacy within the disability community by disabled people as well as opportunities for non-disabled people to provide support and allyship.