Nominations for the 2023 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Research Staff Awards are now being accepted. The nomination deadline is Oct. 20.
The awards honor staff members who provide exemplary support at all levels across the research enterprise. Their contributions to research are unmatched and invaluable to the science conducted at Vanderbilt.
Award recipients will receive a $1,000 cash prize and will be honored at an awards luncheon on March 29, 2024.
The following awards are given annually:
- The Edward E. Price Jr. Award for Excellence in Basic Research.
- The Vivien T. Thomas Award for Excellence in Clinical Research.
- The Award for Excellence in Research Contributing to Multi-Investigator Teams.
Eligible staff include core facility staff at all levels, including research assistants I, II, and III, senior research specialists, research nurses, core facility managers, core research assistants, research support staff — any staff member who provides exemplary research support. Faculty members, research fellows, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are not eligible.
Nominations will be accepted from faculty members who work most closely with the nominees. Nomination packages must be submitted by Oct. 20 and must include:
- A completed nomination form submitted via REDCap survey.
- A nomination letter completed by the nominating faculty member.
- At least one, and at most three, accompanying letters of support.
- The nominee’s CV.
A link to the REDCap survey can be found on the Research Staff Awards website at
Awardees will be selected by a joint Vanderbilt University/Vanderbilt University Medical Center faculty review committee. Email questions to Andrea Holferty, program manager, VUMC Office of Research, at