December 4, 2024

Pediatric Nursing Grand Rounds on stress and neurodevelopment in children to be Dec. 18

Pediatric Nursing Grand Rounds: “Medical Traumatic Stress and Neurodevelopment in Children,” will held 9-10 a.m. on Dec. 18 via Microsoft Teams .

Angie Shaffer, RN, MSN, APN, PNP-PC, PNP-AC and Allie Wroblewski M.Ed, PhD, HSP will discuss crucial insights into how traumatic stress can impact neurodevelopment and the interventions that nurses can learn to enhance the support and care for patients.

Pediatric Nursing Grand Rounds offers presentations that give Monroe Carell clinicians the opportunity to gain exposure to a wide range of practice initiatives. Clinicians can become inspired to formulate your own projects or simply absorb these evidence-based practices in your work area.