Matt Batcheldor

Transplant Pharmacy technician Sarah Osman donated a kidney to Nathan Horton, her former boss at a previous job.

VUMC a national leader in organ, tissue donations

A total of 109 people gave the gift of life as deceased organ donors at Vanderbilt in 2021, resulting in saving 280 lives, more than any other year, and more patients generously gave their gift of organs at Vanderbilt last year than any other single hospital in the United States.

Magnet Document for Ambulatory Clinics now available to view online

Vanderbilt University Medical Center employees are invited to view the Magnet Document for Vanderbilt Adult Ambulatory Clinics.

Hospital staff conspires to help transplant patient plan a surprise proposal – to his wife

Love was in the air on the seventh floor of Medical Center East

Team to study using probiotics to reduce heart disease risk

A Vanderbilt research team has received a $7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to understand how alcohol’s effect on the gut microbiome drives heart disease.

The virtual Advanced Practice Grand Rounds focused on the experience of caring for COVID-19 patients for nearly two years.

Advanced Practice Grand Rounds explores COVID’s impact

The recent VUMC Advanced Practice Grand Rounds explored the impact the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is having on the nursing workforce.

Latest DAISY Awards honor seven extraordinary nurses

DAISY Awards are given to great nurses all over the United States and in many other countries

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