Bill Snyder


VUMC joins national effort to prevent another pandemic

Developed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, ReVAMPP will support a coordinating center and seven research centers, including VUMC, with a focus on nine virus groups that pose the greatest risk to human health.


Nominations sought for 2024 Research Staff Awards

The awards honor staff members who provide exemplary support at all levels across the research enterprise. Their contributions to research are unmatched and invaluable to the science conducted at Vanderbilt.

Venki Ramakrishnan, PhD

Nobel laureate to speak at VUMC on the ribosome and ‘why we die’

The subject of his Discovery Lecture, which will begin at 4 p.m. Sept. 26 in 208 Light Hall, is the role of ribosomes in initiating the translation of DNA into RNA, a precursor step to transcribing the genetic code into proteins that do the work of the cell.

Peptide discovery could advance treatment of high blood pressure

VUMC researchers found that peptides modified by highly reactive compounds called isolevuglandins activated T cells and promoted hypertension in mice. Their first-ever isolation of such peptides is a step toward potentially intervening in this pathologic process.

Walter Chazin, PhD, helps Aylar Atadurdyyeva, a student in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, into her lab coat. Atadurdyyeva, who is originally from Turkmenistan, is a graduate of the University of Kansas. (photo by Susan Urmy)

New biomedical sciences graduate students encouraged to ‘change the world’ 

The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of white lab coats to the students. A symbol of academic rigor and scientific excellence, the lab coat also reflects a commitment to benefiting society through research and discovery. 

RSV vaccine in older people cuts risk of hospitalization

A multicenter study conducted in 19 states between October 2023 and March 2024 demonstrated that RSV vaccination was 75% effective in preventing RSV-associated hospitalizations for adults age 60 and older.

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