Jill Clendening

VUMC establishes Realizing Accelerated Progress, Investigation, Implementation, and Dissemination in Learning Health Systems (RAPID-LHS) Center

The new center, supported by a $5 million grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute will focus on training scientists and supporting research to minimize gaps between the generation of clinical evidence, implementation of proven interventions and development of informed public health policy.

Study shows liraglutide results in increased insulin sensitivity independent of weight loss

Owen Canavan was badly injured six years ago. He uses experience to encourage others recovering from traumatic injuries.

In 2017, Canavan was working out at a fitness center when a car came crashing into the building and pinned him against a wall. In the span of a week, he underwent eight surgeries.

Suicide ideation response plan implemented to assist at-risk adults

Vanderbilt Health’s Adult Ambulatory clinics have a new Suicide Ideation Response Plan that will provide clinicians and staff with additional resources to provide appropriate care for patients who are identified as thinking about or planning suicide.

Study links gene network and pancreatic beta cell defects to Type 2 diabetes

A comprehensive study that integrates multiple analytic approaches has linked a regulatory gene network and functional defects in insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells to Type 2 diabetes.

Generations of orthopedic patients and practitioners hold a special place for Sandy Shelton

She has been “Happy to be here” for more than 40 years, and, as she nears retirement, is hailed as a legend in Orthopaedics.

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