Leigh MacMillan

Treatments for frog fungus

The fungicide amphotericin B may be a useful treatment for a frog fungus that is killing amphibians worldwide.

Natural killer cells don’t clear HMPV

Understanding how the immune system responds to the respiratory virus HMPV is crucial for developing vaccines and anti-viral treatments.

Reversing stress-induced anxiety

Augmenting the signals of natural “endocannabinoids” in the brain may be a promising approach for treating mood and anxiety disorders.

Neural receptor for reovirus

A newly identified receptor allows mammalian reovirus to infect neurons, shedding light on factors important for viral encephalitis.

obesity or overweight belly

Study examines therapeutic bacteria’s ability to prevent obesity

Engineered bacteria that produce a therapeutic compound in the gut prevent obesity in mice, Vanderbilt University investigators have discovered.

Regulating immune regulators

Understanding how to control the generation of regulatory T cells could have important implications for treating autoimmunity and cancer.

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