VUMC News and Communications

Patient and Safety Scholarship program inaugurates first class

Vanderbilt’s Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy has named its inaugural class of 34 scholarship recipients to participate in the Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety’s (CBPPS) certification program.

Photo: Nursing job fair

Event offers smokers free quitting lessons, screening information

Smokers who want assistance to help them kick the habit are invited to a free counseling session with a “quit-smoking” adviser, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks, first floor conference room.

Dress in Blue Day to raise colon cancer awareness

“Nashville Elvis” will be in the building at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks, Friday, March 1, to celebrate colon cancer awareness.

Vital Stats

Study finds Vanderbilt generated $8.6 billion economic impact on Tennessee

Vanderbilt University had an $8.6 billion impact on the Tennessee state economy during fiscal year 2011-12, according to an independent economic analysis released today.

Hand hygiene efforts helping to cut infection rates

Dramatic reductions in infection rates throughout Vanderbilt’s inpatient care units are strongly associated with gains in hand hygiene compliance, according to Chief Hospital Epidemiol-ogist Tom Talbot, M.D., MPH, associate professor of Preventive Medicine.

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