Jessica Pasley

“It’s hard to believe that a child could be forgotten in a car — but it happens”

Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt offers hot car injury prevention tips

Summer’s here and the time is right for safety at the pool

Drowning is a silent killer. How to be sure children have safe fun in the water.

Lawn mower injuries among “most heartbreaking” for doctors and nurses at Children’s Hospital

The little boy ran around the mower and slipped. “The mower kind of sucked him in,” his mom said.

Protecting the skin from damaging sun rays is as easy as “slip, slop, slap, slide and shade”

“Kids in Nashville” fashion show unites local artists and Children’s Hospital patients

Lab coats serve as canvases for beautiful art

Olympic achievement: Children’s Hospital employee KeKe Hinds brings home the gold

“I am very competitive when it comes to sports. It’s such fun and I get to meet so many great people.”

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