Aliquots - Research Briefs

COVID-associated bleeding risk

While case reports have noted acquired hemophilia after COVID-19 infection or vaccination, a new study finds no increased risk.

Gene network linked to Type 2 diabetes

Vanderbilt researchers used a novel analytical approach to identify a network of genes associated with Type 2 diabetes, including 31 genes that had not previously been associated with the disease.

Calculating risk for uterine fibroids

Vanderbilt researchers have constructed a polygenic risk score for uterine fibroids that will be useful for exploring causes of these benign tumors and identifying novel drug targets and therapies.

Molecular testing across tumor types

The KRAS inhibitor sotorasib is newly approved for one kind of lung cancer; Vanderbilt researchers ask if it should be considered for another type if the tumor has the gene mutation it targets.

When science spills onto social media

Vanderbilt researchers report that social media posts can offer insights into how the public feels about genome editing, with stances varying across platforms and differing from those of academics and policy makers.

Youthful healing for burn wounds

Topical treatment of burns with an immunosuppressive drug counteracted the negative effects of aging on wound healing, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

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