Aliquots - Research Briefs

Asian baby girl getting temperature taken

Heat a trigger for seizures

Elevated body temperature alone can increase vulnerability to fever-induced seizures, even in the absence of infection or inflammation.

Pain and Alzheimer’s disease

Clinicians should use a structured interview in people with Alzheimer’s disease to identify pain that might be otherwise overlooked.

HIV cell

Restricting HIV-1 infection

Vanderbilt researchers are discovering ways that host proteins block HIV-1 infection, which could suggest new avenues for treatment.

Lymphocytes attacking cancer cell

Pancreatic cancer development

Elevated levels of the factor G-CSF appear to promote the development of aggressive pancreatic cancer, suggesting a new therapeutic approach for this devastating disease.

Pediatric health conditions, their treatments and the related stress hinder the prefrontal cortex, which is the region of the brain associated with learning, memory and behavior. (istock)

Oxidative stress on the brain

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that oxidative damage may play an important role in the development of a rare cholesterol synthesis disease and in the behavioral changes of autism spectrum disorders.

Fatty acids and adenoma risk

Vanderbilt researchers have found that red blood cell membrane fatty acid content is associated with risk of having colorectal adenomas, with omega-6 fatty acids increasing and omega-3 fatty acids decreasing risk.

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