Aliquots - Research Briefs

Work together to control diabetes

Parenting behaviors may be an important target for improving outcomes in adolescents with diabetes.

water drops splashing against solid surface

Membrane fats impact drug transporter

New studies of a membrane transporter could explain antibiotic resistance – and lead to novel ways to combat it.

M.D. affiliation and Medicaid access

The odds of asthma

A number of factors during infancy increase the risk that a child will later develop asthma.

Superior scan for tumors

Imaging with a compound that binds to neuroendocrine cells is a safer and more effective way to detect rare neuroendocrine tumors.

pair of tango dancers outdoors

It takes two to tango: beta cell development

Defining the genes required for the function of insulin-producing beta cells is crucial for ongoing efforts to develop a cell-based therapy for diabetes.

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