Aliquots - Research Briefs

New player in neuronal communication

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a novel mechanism for the development of dendritic spines – sites of nerve cell communication.

RNA defects in multiple sclerosis

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that profound defects exist in the integrity of structural RNA molecules in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.

doctor and pediatric patient in ICU

Best hospital depends on cancer type

Best hospital rankings for cancer do not take into account the fact that cancer reflects many different diseases.

Boosting beta cells in diabetes

New findings suggest that it might be possible to treat diabetes by regenerating insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

Stuffed animals bring bacteria to OR

Stuffed animals that pediatric patients bring to the operating room are a reservoir of bacteria that can be effectively sterilized in a household washer/dryer the day before surgery.

Surprising finding in the kidney

TGF-beta signaling in the kidney was thought to be a target for reducing renal fibrosis, but Vanderbilt researchers report that fibrosis still occurs in the absence of TGF-beta signaling.

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