Aliquots - Research Briefs

Stuffed animals bring bacteria to OR

Stuffed animals that pediatric patients bring to the operating room are a reservoir of bacteria that can be effectively sterilized in a household washer/dryer the day before surgery.

Surprising finding in the kidney

TGF-beta signaling in the kidney was thought to be a target for reducing renal fibrosis, but Vanderbilt researchers report that fibrosis still occurs in the absence of TGF-beta signaling.

Micelle “packets” deliver cancer drugs

Vanderbilt researchers designed micelle “packets” to selectively deliver anti-cancer drugs to breast cancer cells.

New player in heart cell growth

Vanderbilt researchers have identified a new protein involved in heart cell growth, which could improve understanding of pathologic cardiac hypertrophy.

Cancer signaling pathway blocker

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered a new way to inhibit Hedgehog (Hh) signaling, an important regulatory pathway for vertebrate development – and cancer.

Aging insights from budding yeast

The proteins that control entry and exit from the cell nucleus influence aging, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

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