The Junior League of Nashville’s unwavering dedication to care for children’s health needs has spanned more than nine decades, starting with the Junior League of Nashville Home for Crippled Children, which became part of Vanderbilt in 1971. Their devotion to helping children reach their full potential only grows stronger.
Adding to a long list of ongoing commitments to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, the Junior League has pledged to support the Growing to New Heights Campaign, an expansion effort that will add four new inpatient floors to the hospital. The group also will establish an endowment to support the Child Life program, which works with families to promote a positive medical experience through therapeutic play and activities.
“The Junior League of Nashville is proud to continue our long-term support of the Children’s Hospital. The hospital and its special Child Life services are an incredible asset for the children and families in our community, and we are glad we can support those who count on this amazing place,” said Laura Creekmore, president of the Junior League of Nashville.
The Junior League has partnered with Children’s Hospital since 1970 to fund vital programs and services, including the freestanding hospital that opened in 2004. Millions of dollars have been pledged over time in addition to countless hours of volunteer work by league members.
Some of the many projects Junior League has supported include: the Junior League Family Resource Center, an area at Children’s where families can learn about medical conditions, diagnoses and treatment plans; the Sickle Cell and Asthma Program, which helps children with sickle cell and asthma receive coordinated, comprehensive care to manage their chronic disease; and the Advanced Maternal Fetal Program.
– by Christina Echegaray