Vanderbilt Kennedy Center

VKC produces new tool kit on informed consent process for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Individuals with IDD are often excluded from health-related research. Exclusion from research leads to reduced quality of health care and unknown treatment effectiveness.

New terminology guide explains VUMC facility names and acronyms

By chance, have you ever traveled from OHO, stopping off at VUH for a meeting before breaking for lunch at the TVC Cafeteria?

🎆 2024: a year of stories that made us smile, think and grow

Take a heartwarming walk down the 2024 memory lane. Relive highlights from breakthrough discoveries to patient journeys — and one long flight path.

(photo by Erin O. Smith)

Four elected to American Pediatric Society

The APS was the first North American honorary society for academic pediatricians. Members are recognized for leadership, teaching, research and contributions at an international level.

VKC TRIAD celebrates 25 years of autism research, assessment, treatment and support with a special virtual event on Tuesday, Oct. 29

The special virtual event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. will feature TRIAD leaders past and present.

Children with developmental disabilities less likely to receive gold-standard hearing assessment

More than 30% of children with permanent hearing loss have additional disabilities. A timely diagnosis of reduced hearing and access to appropriate interventions can maximize developmental outcomes.

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