
Laura Dugan, Abram C. Shmerling, M.D. Professor of Alzheimer’s and Geriatric Medicine

New faculty: Dugan explores complexities of Alzheimer’s

Laura Dugan strives to bring breakthroughs in neuroscience research and the aging brain together.

colorful x-ray of brain

Team takes 4-D look at brain receptor’s role

Reporting last week in the journal Cell, researchers from Oregon Health and Science University, Harvard Medical School and Vanderbilt University describe the first “four-dimensional” picture of a brain receptor that plays a key role in learning and memory.

Study explores genetics behind Alzheimer’s resiliency

Autopsies have revealed that some individuals develop the cellular changes indicative of Alzheimer’s disease without ever showing clinical symptoms in their lifetime.


‘Missing link’ may spur new brain disorder drugs

Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego and Vanderbilt University have discovered a “missing link” in the structure of a transmembrane receptor that could lead to new treatments for autism, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Center for Quality Aging forges community bonds

The Vanderbilt Center for Quality Aging is taking the “bench to bedside” concept of translational research out into the community, forming partnerships with assisted living facilities to examine how evidence can be put into action to improve the care of elders.

Older woman shopping

Cognitive complaints, Alzheimer’s risk studied

A study of cognitive complaints in older adults showed that memory concerns from both the patient and an informant was most predictive of converting to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia within three years.

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