Annals of Surgery

A probe-based system developed by a team at Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center uses near-infrared autofluorescence to confirm the location of parathyroid tissue during surgery.

Study shows Vanderbilt-developed technology assists surgeons in identifying parathyroids

A team of surgeons and biomedical engineers have shown the use of probe-based near infrared autofluorescence technology helps confirm the identification of parathyroid glands during endocrine surgery

Professionalism and patient outcomes

A study of more than 70,000 trauma patients found that those who received care from a service with a high proportion of physicians modeling unprofessional behavior were at a 24% increased risk of death or complications.

Diverticulitis surgery: guidelines needed

Surgical removal of the colon for recurrent diverticulosis varies by geographic region and is associated with surgeon and hospital factors; stronger national guidelines are needed, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Study compares surgeries for low birthweight babies