anne marie tharpe

Evaluation of hearing brochures

Most brochures given to parents about newborn hearing screening results need to be modified to make them more understandable, Vanderbilt hearing researchers found.

Hearing and Speech Sciences celebrates 70 years of service

The Vanderbilt Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences is celebrating 70 years of serving people with hearing, speech, language and related disorders.

NBA player brings message of hope to Camp T.A.L.K.S.

The children of Camp TALKS (Talking and Learning with Kids who Stutter) were excited to welcome Michael Kidd-Gilchrist — NBA player and person who stutters — to camp recently, where they were able to listen to his story and advice. Kidd-Gilchrist, an advocate for the stuttering community, recently launched Change & Impact, a stuttering initiative focused on improving access to health care and expanding services and resources for those who stutter.

Couple’s gift expands legacy of hearing, speech research

Anne Marie Tharpe, PhD, might not have become a worldwide authority on pediatric hearing loss if she hadn’t been looking for something to do during study hall in her high school years in Memphis. One day, she and a friend volunteered to work in a classroom with deaf children.

little boy with cochlear implant interacting with his teacher

Remote microphone system helps increase vocabulary of children with hearing loss

Children with hearing loss who use remote microphone systems (RMS) at home have access to about 42 percent more words each day, providing a critical boost to vocabulary and language learning, a Vanderbilt study has found.

American Academy of Audiology honors Tharpe, Grantham

Two faculty members of the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center are receiving awards from the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) this year, representing two of eight total recipients nationwide.