HD Kirkland

Vanderbilt’s Peabody No. 1 education school for fifth consecutive year

Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development was named the top graduate school of education in the country for the fifth consecutive year by U.S. News and World Report.

L-r: Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Richard McCarty, Kevin B. Johnson, Celia S. Applegate, David G. Blackbourn, Sergio Fazio, Tony K. Stewart, Haydar A. Frangoul, William O. Cooper, R. Jay Turner, Steven A. Webber, MacRae F. Linton and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine Jeff Balser. (Vanderbilt University)

Endowed chair celebration honors nine Vanderbilt faculty

The extraordinary academic achievements of nine Vanderbilt University endowed chair holders were recognized during a Jan. 17 ceremony at the Student Life Center.

VU Neuroscience Graduate Program recognized as best in the nation for 2012

Vanderbilt University’s Neuroscience Graduate Program has been named the 2012 “Program of the Year” by the Society for Neuroscience.


Vanderbilt-led team to develop ‘microbrain’ to improve drug testing

Creating a device out of human cells that simulates brain chemistry is the goal of a $6.4 million grant which is part of major new federal initiative to develop a series of “organs on a chip” designed to improve the drug development process.

Neurons with serotonin transporters labeled with quantum dots. (Jerry Chang / Vanderbilt)

Probing the roots of depression by tracking serotonin regulation at a new level

An interdisciplinary team of scientists have successfully tagged a protein that regulates the neurotransmitter serotonin with tiny fluorescent beads, allowing them to track the movements of individual molecules for the first time. This capability makes it possible to study the manner in which serotonin regulates mood, appetite and sleep at a new level of detail.

Vanderbilt honors top graduates during Commencement

Top scholars from Vanderbilt University’s undergraduate and professional schools are being honored with Founder’s Medals during Commencement on Friday, May 11.

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