autoimmune disease

A switch for autoimmunity

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered a class of compounds that inhibit a mediator of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, and that could pave the way for development of future therapies.

Probing the genetics of autoimmunity

Vanderbilt researchers have found that non-coding regions of the genome appear to contribute to the risk of autoimmune diseases and may represent attractive therapeutic targets.

Scientists create unique disease ‘catalog’ linked to immune system gene variations

A study led by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy has generated the first comprehensive catalog of diseases in a single population associated with variations in HLA genes that regulate the body’s immune system.

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Tolerating a transplant

A new genetic model has generated new strategies for promoting tolerance to transplants – and improving long-term transplant outcomes – in the background of autoimmune disease.

Regulating immune regulators

Understanding how to control the generation of regulatory T cells could have important implications for treating autoimmunity and cancer.

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Immunosuppressive drugs unlikely to raise fetal risk: study

Women with chronic autoimmune diseases who take immunosuppressive medications during their first trimester of pregnancy are not putting their babies at significantly increased risk of adverse outcomes, according to a Vanderbilt study released online by the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism.

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