Benoit Dawant

Benoit Dawant, PhD, left, Erik Tkaczyk, MD, PhD, and colleagues have developed a new way to measure human monkeypox severity.

Vanderbilt study uses AI to speed mpox drug trials

A machine learning algorithm developed by researchers at Vanderbilt performs as well as humans at identifying skin lesions in clinical photographs of people with monkeypox.

Rene Gifford, PhD, works with patient Davy Hillis to program his cochlear implant.

Study takes personal approach to cochlear implant programming

Vanderbilt University Medical Center recently received a $3.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to improve outcomes for children with significant hearing loss by providing individualized, prescription-like programming for their cochlear implants.

Task force named to prioritize Academic Strategic Plan health initiatives

A new faculty task force has been appointed to prioritize and refine the eight health-related initiatives in the Academic Strategic Plan and to inventory existing health-related interdisciplinary centers and institutes at Vanderbilt.

robot hand

Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution

In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities.

Gifford fits CI

High Fidelity: Cochlear implant users report dramatically better hearing with new Vanderbilt process

Longtime cochlear implant users are reporting such dramatic improvements in their hearing, thanks to new image-guided programming methods developed by Vanderbilt University researchers.

New group of faculty endowed chairs celebrated

Ten of Vanderbilt’s new endowed chairs were praised as leaders in their fields and on campus during a Sept. 26 ceremony at the Student Life Center.