bladder cancer

Longtime colleagues and friends Curt Thorne, left, and Terry Burke enjoyed sailing together.

Bladder cancer research fund honors mentor’s lasting influence

The Terry Burke Fund for Bladder Cancer Research at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center is supporting a range of discovery research aimed at improving outcomes for bladder cancer patients, and it is helping train the next generation of bladder cancer physician-scientists.

thoughtful woman

Urologic cancer studies point to need for referral education

Women with blood in their urine (hematuria) were less than half as likely as men with the same issue to be referred to a urologist for further tests, according to a new VUMC study.

Award bolsters study of bladder cancer chemo resistance

David DeGraff, Ph.D., has received the 2013 BCAN Young Investigator Award for Bladder Cancer Research.

Telerobotic system designed to treat bladder cancer

An interdisciplinary collaboration of engineers and doctors at Vanderbilt and Columbia Universities has designed a robotic microsurgery system specifically designed to treat bladder cancer, the sixth most common form of cancer in the U.S. and the most expensive to treat.

New fluorescing agent shines light on bladder cancer cells

Two urologic surgeons at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center are among a leading group of cancer physicians using an innovative new imaging agent and blue light system to “light up” cancerous cells inside the bladder.

On the hunt for bladder cancer factors

A protein linked to aggressive bladder cancers could point to new strategies for treatment or prevention.