Blythe Corbett

SENSE Theatre students act in the play Circus del Sé.

SENSE Theatre study finds play participation increases social skills in autistic youth

Together with the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and ACM Lifting Lives, SENSE Theatre recently presented a two-night performance of the play Circus del Sé, written by Blythe Corbett, PhD, James G. Blakemore Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

SENSE Theatre to offer two free performances

SENSE Theatre®, a summer camp for youth with autism spectrum disorders led by Blythe Corbett, PhD, and supported by the Academy of Country Music Lifting Lives® will present two live, free performances of an original play with music. Both performances of “The Year of the Ladybug” will take place in the Wyatt Center Rotunda on the Vanderbilt campus at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 17, and Saturday, June 18

autism concept: puzzle

Children with autism report greater gender diversity: study

Vanderbilt researchers found that children with autism report higher rates of gender diversity — the way in which an individual experiences gender distinct from social norms for their gender assigned at birth — than their typically developing peers.

SENSE Theatre production of “The Adult School” brings together diverse cast

The goal of the SENSE Theatre program is to improve the social and emotional functioning of individuals with autism spectrum disorder through using behavioral and theater techniques.

Youth with ASD have higher body mass index: study

Vanderbilt researchers have concluded that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have higher body mass index (BMI) percentiles when compared to youth with typical development.

Females with autism reach puberty earlier: study

Blythe Corbett, PhD, professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and investigator with the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, recently led a study which found that on average, females with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experienced the onset of puberty 9.5 months earlier than their peers.

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