cancer biology

Bone healing therapy for NF1 fractures

A combination treatment delivered to the site of fractures may improve bone healing in patients with the genetic disease neurofibromatosis type-1.

Limiting breast cancer metastasis

Vanderbilt researchers have identified a new target for blocking breast cancer metastasis.

Growth factor blockade targets breast tumors

Inhibition of BMP growth factor signaling reduces breast tumor burden and metastasis.

Novel treatment strengthens bones in genetic disease

An enzyme therapy may prevent skeletal abnormalities associated with the genetic disorder neurofibromatosis type-1, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered.

Drug discovery clues in network map

Vanderbilt investigators have constructed a network map that could guide the development of new targeted cancer therapies.

Repair protein’s DNA recognition motif

Insights into the workings of DNA damage response proteins such as SMARCAL1 could suggest new ways to improve genome integrity and prevent cancer.

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