Carrie Jones

Innovative strategies crucial in opioid epidemic response

Reining in the nation’s opioid epidemic will require diverse and innovative strategies ranging from drug discovery to “policy translation,” according to speakers at a recent Vanderbilt Faculty Cutting-edge Discovery Lecture.

elderly Asian mother and adult daughter

Vanderbilt begins Phase 1 trials of new Alzheimer’s drug

Developed at Vanderbilt, VU319 is designed to precisely target a specific neuron receptor associated with cognitive function while avoiding potentially dangerous side effects.

Putting schizophrenia to bed

A new compound developed at Vanderbilt treats multiple symptoms of schizophrenia in an animal model, without causing sedation.

Drug-like molecules aimed at improving treatment of Parkinson’s

Drug-like molecules described by Vanderbilt researchers could lead to Parkinson’s treatments with fewer side effects.

Neuroscience drug discovery center opens at Vanderbilt

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has established a new Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery to accelerate research that may lead to new treatments for Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and other disorders of the brain.